

The second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 June 2023 in Nairobi. Kenya. The theme of the session is “A sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism: achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in times of global crises.”

As the governance body of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the United Nations Habitat Assembly convenes every four years. It is the highest global decision-making body on sustainable urbanization and human settlements.

The 193 UN Member States cast the votes, while participants include non-Member States, other UN bodies and specialized agencies, as well as intergovernmental organizations, civil society, private sector, academia and research institutions, women, youth and children, and grassroots organizations.

Thematic debates and discussions during the Assembly will focus on the following topics:
Universal access to affordable housing: Member States are encouraged to explore mechanisms to achieve the universal right to adequate housing and move towards removing existing barriers to affordable housing.

Urban climate action: to achieve the global commitment to stay within 1.5˚C limit on rising temperatures by 2030, Member States are encouraged to explore realistic urban pathways for climate action.

Urban crises recovery: current crises are increasingly more urban, with cities very often serving as the main places of arrival for displaced people. Member States are encouraged to empower cities to respond to urban crises and support national recovery efforts.

Localization of the SDGs: the Assembly will look at local actions needed to advance the implementation of SDGs to meet the 2030 Development Agenda targets. Member States will also be invited to explore financial mechanisms to ensure resources are directed toward urban development and reach local levels.

Prosperity and local finance: to accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, respond to urban crises, advance urban climate action, and ensure adequate and affordable housing for all, cities need policies and fiscal resources. Member States are invited to explore policies and market mechanisms to ensure financial flows directed towards urban development and reach local levels. 

Notification by the Executive Director on the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

UN-Habitat Assembly video message - Secretary General

UN-Habitat Assembly video message - President of General Assembly

Statement by Director-General of UNON

Introductory Statement of the Executive Director at the Ceremonial Opening of the Second United Nations Habitat Assembly

Statement by the President of Kenya at the opening of the second United Nations Assembly.



Draft preliminary programme - 2 June 202

Detailed Programme as at 4 June 2023

Provisional Agenda

Provisional Agenda

HSP/HA.2/1 – Provisional Agenda for the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

Draft Resolutions and Decisions

Draft Resolutions and Decisions

International guidelines on people-centered smart cities – Draft as of 11 April 2023

Technical note by the Secretariat-International guidelines on People-Centred Smart Cities

Draft resolution “International guidelines on people-centered smart cities” – version 8 May 2023, first reading

The draft resolution titled “International guidelines on people-centred smart cities” championed by France and South Korea - version of 22 May 2023

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP4/Rev.1-International guidelines on people-centred smart cities

Accelerating Transformation of Informal Settlements and Slums by 2030– Zero draft as of 17 April 2023

Technical note by the Secretariat-Resolution on Accelerating Transformation of Informal Settlements and Slums by 2030

Draft resolution “Resolution on Accelerating Transformation of Informal Settlements and Slums by 2030”-version 8 May 2023,first reading

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP5-Accelerating Transformation of Informal Settlements and Slums by 2030

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP5/Rev.1-Accelerating Transformation of Informal Settlements and Slums by 2030

World Clean Up Day– Zero draft as of 20 April 2023

World Clean Up Day–Concept Note

World Clean up Day – Presentation

Technical note by the Secretariat-Resolution on Promoting World Cleanup Day

World Clean up Day - Zero draft as of 11 May

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP6-World Clean Up Day

Draft zero resolution

Concept note Biodiverse and Resilient Cities

Final one-pager

Technical note by the Secretariat-Draft Resolution on Biodiverse and Resilient Cities: Zero Draft

Biodiverse and Resilient Cities-zero draft as of 11 May

Draft Resolution-Biodiverse and Resilient Cities-version of 17 MAY 2023

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP7/Rev.1-Biodiverse and Resilient Cities - Mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into urban and territorial planning

Draft procedural decisions – version as of 5 May 2023

Draft technical inputs - procedural decision-version of 17 MAY 2023

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP3-Draft procedural decisions for the consideration of the second open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to UN-Habitat for the preparations for the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals championed by Brazil

Technical Note by the Secretariat

Draft resolution- Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals - version of 17 MAY 2023

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP9-Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP.9/Rev.1-Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals

Adequate Housing for All - Concept note

Draft zero resolution - Adequate Housing for All

The draft resolution titled “Adequate housing for all” championed by Kenya, France, Bahrain and Jordan - version of 22 May 2023

HSP/OECPR.2023/10-Adequate Housing for All

Draft resolution titled "Urban Planning and Sustainable Infrastructure"

Draft resolution titled "Creation of a Human Settlements Resilience Framework (early warning, foresight, risk reduction, crises response and post-crises recovery and reconstruction)"

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP12/Rev.1-Creation of a Human Settlements Resilience Framework (early warning, foresight, risk reduction, crises response and post-crises recovery and reconstruction)

Draft resolution titled "Equitable Financing and Effective Monitoring of the Implementation of Resolutions adopted by the United Nations Habitat Assembly"

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP13/Rev.1-Equitable Financing and Effective Monitoring of the Implementation of Resolutions Adopted by the United Nations Habitat Assembly

Draft resolution titled "Enhancing the Linkage between Urbanization and Climate Change"

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP15-Climate change and resilience

HSP/OECPR.2023/CRP 11- Urban Planning and Sustainable Infrastructure

HSP/OECPR.2023/11/Rev.1-Urban Planning and Sustainable Infrastructure

Ministerial Declaration

Ministerial Declaration

HSP-HA.2-L2 Draft Ministerial Declaration

Pre-Session Documents

Pre-Session Documents

HSP/HA.2/INF/1: List of documents before the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

Agenda item 2
HSP/HA.2/1 – Provisional Agenda for the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

HSP/HA.2/1/Add.1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda including organization of work

Agenda item 3
HSP/HA/2/2 - Report of the Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations Habitat Assembly at its second session

Agenda item 6
HSP/HA.2/3: Report of the Executive Board to the United Nations Habitat Assembly at its second session

HSP/EB.2023/6-Adoption of the report of the Executive Board

Agenda item 7
HSP/HA.2/4/Add.2: Report of the Executive Director on the Cooperation with United Nations system entities, intergovernmental organizations, and other UN-Habitat partners in the implementation of the strategic plan for the period 2020–2023

HSP/HA.2/4/Add.4 : Highlights of the Annual Report 2022 on the implementation of the strategic plan of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for the period 2020–2023

HSP/HA.2/INF/2-Country activities report 2022−2023

HSP/HA.2/4 - Report of the Executive Director on Activities of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme

HSP/HA. 2/4/Add.1/Rev.1-Activities of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Agenda item 8
HSP/HA.2/5: Report of the Executive Director on Progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

HSP/HA.2/INF/3-Outcome of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly to assess progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda: summary by the President of the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly

Agenda item 9
Evaluation of the impact and outcomes of The Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (full report)

HSP/HA.2/6: Report of the Executive Director on the tenth and eleventh sessions of the World Urban Forum

Report of the Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum

HSP/HA.2/INF/5-Independent report on the evaluation of the programme of the World Urban Forum for the period 2018–2023

HSP/HA.2/INF/6-Report of the eleventh session of the World Urban Forum: executive summary

HSP/HA.2/INF/4-Report of the tenth session of the World Urban Forum: executive summary

Report of the eleventh session of the World Urban Forum

Agenda item 10
HSP/HA.2/7 - Report of the Executive Director on the special theme of the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

Agenda item 11
HSP/HA.2/8: Proposed extension of the current strategic plan of UN-Habitat for the period 2020–2023 to cover the period 2024–2025, including alignment of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review process with UN-Habitat planning cycles

HSP/HA/2/9 - Midterm evaluation of the implementation of the strategic plan

HSP/HA.2/10 - Note by the secretariat on the status of voluntary contributions to the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation as at 28 February 2023

HSP/HA/1/7- Draft strategic plan of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for the period 2020–2025

Information for Participants

Information for Participants

Frequently asked questions on the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly – version as of 19 April 2023

Visas Information

General information for participants – version as of 18 May 2023

In-session Documents

In-session Documents

HSP/HA.2/L.1 - Draft proceedings of the United Nations Habitat Assembly of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme at its second session

HSP/HA.2/L 3 Draft decisions for consideration by the United Nations Habitat Assembly at its second session

HSP/ HA.2/L4 - Draft resolution on international guidelines on people-centred smart cities

HSP/ HA.2/L5 - Draft resolution on accelerating the transformation of informal settlements and slums by 2030

HSP/ HA.2/L6 Draft resolution on World Cleanup Day

HSP/ HA.2/L7 Draft resolution on Biodiverse and resilient cities: mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into urban and territorial planning

HSP/HA.2/L8 Draft resolution on enhancing the interlinkage between urbanization and climate change resilience

HSP/ HA.2/L9 Draft resolution on the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals

HSP/ HA.2/L10 Draft resolution on adequate housing for all

HSP/ HA.2/L11 - Draft resolution on urban planning and sustainable infrastructure

HSP/ HA.2/L12 - Draft resolution on the creation of a human settlements resilience framework for early warning, foresight, risk reduction, crisis response and post-crisis recovery and reconstruction

HSP/HA.2/L.13 - Equitable Financing and Effective Monitoring of the Implementation of Resolutions Adopted by the United Nations Habitat Assembly

HSP/HA.2/CW/L.1 - Report of the Committee of the Whole at the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

Post session Documents


On-site accreditation and badging for both the UN-Habitat Assembly and the OECPR will open at the Pass & ID office (entrance via Visitors Pavilion) UNON Complex on the following dates:



Sunday, 28 May from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Monday, 29 May from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Tuesday, 30 May from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Wednesday, 31 May from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT) 

Thursday, 1 June (Closed for the Madaraka Public Holiday)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Friday, 2 June from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Saturday, 3 June from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Sunday, 4 June from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Monday, 5 June from 7.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Tuesday, 6 June from 7.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Wednesday 7 June from 7.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Thursday, 8 June from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)

Friday, 9 June from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm East Africa Time (EAT)


Urban Expo

Urban Expo

Urban Expo Overview

The Urban Expo at the UN-habitat Assembly has feature 65 exhibitors from Asia, Africa, North America, the Americas, and Europe. The Urban Expo showcase sustainable urban development projects, best practices, and cutting-edge solutions to tackle the challenges of housing, transport, energy, and climate change. Below is more information for Exhibitors.

Key exhibitions

Emerging solutions in times of global crises

This installation by UN-Habitat features four SDG 11 cubes and 17 benches representing all the sustainable development goals (SDGs). They symbolize our road to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 11 over the past four years, since the first United Nations Habitat Assembly, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and other crises. The first three cubes progressively emerge from the ground, representing the initial struggles of sustainable urban development. The fourth cube serves as a portal to the Assembly area focusing on solutions for achieving SDGs.

Kenyan Pavilion

This exhibition showcases urban development projects in Kenya including universal access to affordable housing, urban climate action through green building technology, land tenure, tourism, culture, and conservation. The exhibition is led by the State Department of Housing and Urban Development and brings together various government departments and partners.

45 Years of urbanization in Kenya

This exhibition presents the long-term collaboration between Kenya and UN-Habitat through a timeline with major global milestones that defined UN-Habitat’s mandate and ground-breaking initiatives that shaped urban development in Kenya.

Smart Cities and Digital Transformation

The aim of the exhibition is to showcase the power of digital technologies to contribute to sustainable urbanization and people-centered smart cities. Central to the booth will be UNITAC tools but space will also be given to UN-Habitat and City Science Lab digital, data, innovation, and people-centered smart city initiatives and normative efforts such as the smart city playbooks, HerCity, and the Cockpit for Social Infrastructure. It will also provide space to host events and sessions on innovation and people-centered smart cities.

Prefabricated demo house

The demo house is built with recycled plastic by Othalo, a Norwegian start-up that invented a process of recycling plastic and use it to produce building envelopes and slabs. The walls are made of treated recycled plastic with a strength that can carry up to 4 floors. The house is 42 square meters with two rooms and one living room and can be designed based on the needs of the occupants and can be built in two days.

Affordable and energy-efficient demo house

The house is a two-storey building with a footprint of 29 square meters and a height of six meters. It is made from burnt bricks produced using renewable fuel (agriculture waste and sawdust). The carbon footprint of the building is limited to a minimum. This low-carbon and affordable building model was developed by the Swiss Resource Center and Consultancies for Development (SKAT) as a solution to housing needs in developing countries. The model has been adopted and replicated by both public and private building stakeholders, resulting in the construction of over 5,000 social houses in the past four years.

E-mobility exhibition

This exhibition features electric vehicles (EVs) including an electric tuk-tuk by Autotruck and electric bicycles by Jua eBikes, E-bee, and Limitless Outdoors, two electric motorcycles by Stimaboda and Kiri EV as well as a solar charging station by E-Safiri. Participants will be able to test out the EVs and interact with the entrepreneurs. Electric buses by BasiGo will ferry delegates to and from the venue to Gigiri and Westlands.

List of Exhibitors

Find more information on confirmed exhibitors from the documents below,

How can exhibitors order additional services and equipment?

Exhibitors can order printing services, rent extra furniture and equipment from Omnispace’s online catalogue. Orders can be placed via email through UNHA2@omnispace3d.com and copied to andrew.simiyu@omnispace3d.com.

How long will exhibitions be on display?

The exhibition will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily from 5 - 9 June 2023.

Do Exhibitors need to be present at the booth for the entire Assembly?

Yes, we kindly ask exhibitors to ensure that one staff is present at their booth at all times throughout the entire Conference. The daily hours will follow the programme of the UN-Habitat Assembly.

When will the booths be installed and decorated?

All standard booths will be installed by 2 June by the event management company, Omnispace. Exhibitors will decorate their booths on 3 and 4 June. All custom booths must be installed by 3 June.

Where can practical information for the UN-Habitat Assembly participants be found?

An information note for participants can be found on the UN-Habitat Assembly website. Please refer to this note for more information on entry requirements, hotels, etc.

How do exhibitor staff register and gain access to the Assembly?

All exhibition personnel must register for the Assembly. Personnel who are part of an accredited organization, UN organization, or member state will get a delegate badge which will enable them to gain access to the Assembly proceedings. Exhibition personnel who are not part of an accredited organization will receive an Exhibitor badge with no access to official assembly proceedings. More information can be found on the registration page of the UN-Habitat Assembly

Where can Exhibitors find Assembly communication materials to promote their Exhibition?

UN-Habitat Assembly communication materials and guidelines will be available on the Assembly website shortly.

I have more questions, who can I contact?

If you still have questions or if any issues occur at the Assembly, please write to unhabitat-exhibition@un.org 

Download Exhibition Guidelines

Side Events

Side Events

Side events are linked to the five key action areas highlighted in the Report of the Executive Director on the special theme of the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly. Side events showcase innovative approaches and transformative actions through effective and inclusive multilateralism in the following five areas:  

  1. Universal access to adequate housing
  2. Urban climate action and environmental protection
  3. Urban crisis recovery
  4. Localization of the SDGs and multilevel governance
  5. Urban prosperity and local finance


Side Events Programm        

Date & Time \ Location   Conference room 1 Conference room 6 Conference room 7 Conference room 8 Conference room 9 Conference room 10 Conference room 11 Conference room 13 Conference room 14 UNDSS Training room
Monday, 5 June 2023         
13:15 - 14:15


Number 1

The Multiple Voices in Urban Migration Contexts:
Linking Spatial Planning to Financing Opportunities 


Number 2

Global Action Plan for Accelerating the Transformation of Slums and Informal Settlements to 2030



Number 3

Localizing Sustainable Development Goal 11 by Centering Community Knowledge


Number 4



Number 5

Promoting people centered smart cities for inclusive and sustainable futures leveraging global digital cooperation


Number 6

New Approach to Affordable Housing Policy: Towards Access to Housing for All


Number 7

The Need for Balance : Affordable Living and Adequate Affordable Housing for All

Monday, 5 June 2023         
18:15 - 19:15


Number 8

Women Led Cities: Supporting and Enhancing Creative Multilateralism of Diverse Women’s Leadership of Businesses, Cities and Grassroot Organizations to Address Inequality and Gender-Based Violence and Make Cities Safe, Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable


Number 9

Advancing the Commonwealth Declaration on Sustainable Urbanisation; an inclusive multilateral, multi-sector, cross-discipline Commonwealth-led initiative to help deliver sustainable cities and human settlements


Number 10

How to develop a multi-stakeholder social contract for effective delivery of the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs


Number 11

Multilevel, inclusive approaches to addressing the cities’ sleeping giants: “The GlobalABC and the Buildings Breakthrough"


Number 12

Botswana's holistic approach towards slum transformation: improving settlements and livelihoods through the Participatory Slum Upgrading Program, Case of Boikhutso & Monarch wards, Francistown, Botswana


Number 13

Responding climate, nature and pollution emergencies through urbanization and multilevel action


Number 14

Localisation to Close the Accessibility Gap: From WUF 11 Legacy on Universal Accessibility to engagement of Persons with Disabilities towards the full implementation of the New Urban Agenda


Number 15

Multilateral governance through Korea National Urban Policy Programme in 8 countries: Transforming life from Phase1 to Phase 2


Number 16

Building capacity and fiscal resilience of cities and local governments in Africa


Number 17

Launch of the Global Observatory for Sustainable Proximities

Tuesday, 6 June 2023         
13:15 - 14:15


Number 18

Progress in sustainable and resilient urban development of cities and metropolitan areas in Central America and the Dominican Republic


Number 19

Biodiverse and Resilient Cities




Number 20

Ministerial Panel Discussion on: Localizing Action on the New Urban Agenda and Climate Change: the Road to WUF12



Number 21

Transformation from the bottom-up: how African countries are advancing SDG localization and the Finland-Tanzania model of cooperation


Number 22

Cities using data to support the localization, implementation and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda – A case example of City of Durban’s Strategic Hub


Number 23

Quality of Life Initiative: Putting people at the heart of transformative change


Number 24

Mexican Presidency of UN-Habitat: Highlights of the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda

Wednesday, 7 June 2023         
13:15 - 14:15


Number 25

Partnerships for Localizing Multilateralism: Implications of the Water Action Agenda on Urban Development




Number 26

Towards a multilateral collaboration and knowledge exchange system to accelerate SDGs implementation in cities



Number 27

The interdependence of peace, development and humanitarian action in building urban resilience in Yemen


Number 28

Recovering Territorial Balance by Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages Towards a global partnership to promote Urban Rural Linkages approach


Number 29

Planning and building our liveable cities: what it takes and what it needs



Number 30

Leveraging Subnational Finance to Achieve a Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Future

Thursday, 8 June 2023         
13:15 - 14:15


Number 31

Localizing SDGs and human rights through the UN Universal Periodic Review


Number 32

Is the world ready to prioritise people over cars? How public transport, walking and cycling can rescue the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement.




Number 33

The State of Arab Cities, Towards Vibrant Cities



Number 34

World Cleanup Day – Collective Trigger for a Sustainable Change


Number 35

Regional Actions supporting SDG Localization and Urban Resilience


Number 36

Unleashing the transformative power of financing for sustainable, just, and resilient urban development and transition: innovating and converging for change


Number 37

Inclusive Urban Regeneration: overcoming challenges for social and environmental value creation

Thursday, 8 June 2023         
18:15 - 19:15


Number 38

Quito+7: A collective dialogue to recover and fulfill the New Urban Agenda’s Commitments


Number 39

Cities Engaged in Food System Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities


Number 40

Expanding Equitable Access to Adequate Housing for those Living in Informal Settlements


Number 41

Shaping the future of African Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Multitude of vulnerabilities and pathways to change for resilient urban development



Number 42

Urban and Territorial Planning Response to the Climate Crisis: Climate Leadership in Practice and Education


Number 43

SDG Cities Certification: Facilitating multilateral cooperation from data integration to finance to accelerate achieving SDGs in Cities


Number 44

Resilient cities, greener neighbourhoods, thriving communities: the power of nature-based solutions


Number 45


Seating Arrangements

Seating Arrangements

Conference Room 1

Conference Room 2-3-4



Rule 17 of the rules of procedure of the United Nations Habitat Assembly on “Credentials” provides the following:

“1. The credentials of representatives and the names of alternate representatives and advisers shall be submitted to the Executive Director before the first meeting that the representatives are to attend.

2. The Bureau of the UN-Habitat Assembly shall examine the credentials and submit its report to the Assembly. The present rule shall not, however, prevent a State Member of the United Nations from changing its representatives, alternate representatives or advisers subsequently, subject to proper submission and examination of credentials, where needed.”

In this regard, UN-Habitat wishes to encourage Permanent and Observer Missions to submit credentials at the earliest, and if possible, by Thursday 25 May 2023.

The credentials should be submitted through a formal letter or Note Verbale from the Head of State or Government or the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to the Secretary to the Governing Bodies of UN-Habitat, Mr. Chris Mensah through the emails: chris.mensah@un.org and unhabitat-sgb@un.org

Visa Information

Visa Information

It is the participant’s own responsibility to obtain a visa for the Republic of Kenya. Participants required to be in possession of a visa are advised to obtain one as early as possible. A valid visa should be obtained in advance from the Kenyan Embassy/High Commission in the participant’s country of residence or the nearest Kenya Embassy in the region. The information provided here acts only as guidance.

A valid passport, valid for at least six months from the date of arrival, is required for entry into the Country. For more information on guidance on eligibility and visa requirements must register through the visa portal available at: https://evisa.go.ke/. Kindly take note that, Nationals who do not require visas, and participants on UNLP will get an epass free of charge on application to present to the airlines on travel. Participants on Diplomatic, Service, and Official passports will be issued with courtesy visas.

Additionally, all applicants should keep in mind that:

1. When filling the form, are advised to choose meeting/workshop as the reason for the travel.
2. On host details, please choose firm on the drop-down menu, and on the full name and address of the host, fill UN-Habitat General Assembly and use the address of UN-Habitat.
3. The document to be uploaded for both the invitation letter from the host and the company registration certificate is the invitation letter issued after registration.

Nationals of the following countries require a referred visa prior to arrival in the Republic of Kenya and which should be acquired in advance through a Kenyan Embassy: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, State of Palestine, Senegal, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, and Stateless persons.

Solomon Islands, South Africa (for less than 30 days stay), Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Participants are warned of the many pseudo sites purporting to offer the service of a Kenya visa and only apply using https://evisa.go.ke/.

Please note that visas are not required for citizens of: The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burundi, Cyprus, Dominica(not to be confused with Dominican Republic), Eswatini, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Jamaica, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Namibia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino.

Hotel Information

Hotel Information

Nairobi Hotels Rates – UNON Travel Unit

Accreditation for stakeholder organizations

Accreditation for stakeholder organizations

How to attend as an accredited organization

Accreditation is granted to organisations to allow them to attend UN-Habitat intergovernmental meetings as observers. These meetings include the UN-Habitat Assembly, the Executive Board, and the Committee of Permanent Representatives. Accreditation is important because, it provides an opportunity for organisations to contribute to the policy-making process of the UN-Habitat and share their expertise. Accreditation is for organisations and not individuals.

Representatives of duly accredited organisations may attend the second session of the UN-Habitat Assembly and will be required to provide proof of their nomination by the accredited organizations. These include organizations accredited to either: (i) the First Session of the UN-Habitat Assembly, (ii) the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and the special session of the General Assembly to assess implementation of the Habitat Agenda (Istanbul + 5), (iii) the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) – Prepcom2 and Prepcom3,  or (iv) non-governmental organisations in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The nominated representatives of accredited organisations are required to register online for the Assembly by 25 May 2023 (23:59 EAT).

The duly accredited organisations have up until 5 May 2023 to confirm attendance and to nominate not more than five representatives of each organisation to the Assembly in writing on official letter head to unhabitat-partners@un.org

Organization neither accredited nor in consultative status with ECOSOC as indicated in (i) to (iv) above  were invited to apply for ad hoc accreditation to attend the second session of the UN-Habitat Assembly. The deadline for application for ad hoc accreditation was Friday 31 March 2023 and is now closed. The accreditation decision will be communicated directly to the organization concerned.

Provisional Speakers List

Provisional Speakers List

Provisional Speakers List for UNHA 2 as at 8 June 2023 at 0935hrs

Field Visits and Tours

Field Visits and Tours

Detailed Field Visit Programme as at 30 May 2023

Cradle of mankind

Kenya Tourism Board - Passport Booklet

Golf in Kenya

Culture and Heritage - Kenya

Sports and Adventure - Kenya

48 Hours in Nairobi

48 Hours in Mombasa

Destination KISUMU

Marsabit COUNTY

UN Web TV streaming

UN Web TV streaming

UN Web TV (https://media.un.org/en/webtv) will provide multilingual live streaming for all UN-Habitat Assembly meetings held in Conference Room 2, as well as meetings in Conference Room 1 and the press conferences to be held in the Media Center.

Morning sessions are available here: High Level Strategic Dialogue

Afternoon sessions are available here: High-level Interactive Strategic Dialogue on Special Theme - 2nd session of the UN Habitat Assembly

Official Opening Press Conference - 2nd session of the UN Habitat Assembly

Press Conference with the Good Will Ambassador for the Arab region HRH Princess Lamia Bint Majed AlSaud - 2nd session of the UN Habitat Assembly

WUF12 Press Conference - 2nd session of the UN Habitat Assembly

Urban October Press Event - 2nd session of the UN Habitat Assembly

All meetings scheduled for live streaming coverage on UN Web TV are available here: United Nations Habitat Assembly meetings

Press Centre

Press Centre

Press Centre Programme

Monday, 5 June 2023      

14:15 - 14:45


Official UN-Habitat Assembly   
Opening Press Conference

UN-Habitat, Kenya

18:15 - 19:30


Number 1

Exploring the local-national    
link: how Eastern European     
and Central Asian countries    
in transition are localizing the SDGs

Republic of Serbia

Tuesday, 6 June 2023  

08:45 - 9:45


Number 2

A better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world: promoting health and well-being

WHO, UN Interagency Taskforce and UN-Habitat

13:15 - 14:00


Donor Appreciation Session


14:15 - 15:00


Number 3

The launching of global report on sanitation and wastewater management in cities and human settlements


Wednesday, 7 June 2023  

09:30 - 10:00


Number 4

Goodwill Ambassador for the Arab States HRH Princess Lamia

Regional Office for Arab States, UN-Habitat

13:00 - 14:00


WUF12 Press Conference

Government of Egypt and UN-Habitat

14:15 - 15:00


Number 5

A briefing on the urban dimensions of COP28 with the COP28 Presidency

COP28 Presidency, Bloomberg Philanthropies, UN-Habitat

Thursday, 8 June 2023  

09:00 - 09:45


Number 6

Announcing the Second Edition of the International Habitat 
Summit – Latin America and the Caribbean 2023 (CIHALC), 
Guadalajara, México

UN-Habitat ROLAC, Universidad de Guadalajara

13:15 - 14:00


Urban October Press Event

UN-Habitat - Azerbaijan - Türkiye - Mexico

14:15 - 15:00


Number 7


18:15 - 19:30


Number 8


Friday, 9 June 2023  

09:00 - 09:45


Number 9

From Resource to Resilience: Harnessing Urban Water for Inclusive and Sustainable Cities

UN-Habitat ROAF

13:00 - 14:00


Official closing press conference of the second session of
the United Nations Habitat Assembly


High Level Dialogue

High Level Dialogue

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Time: 10:00-18:00 EAT,  Venue: Conference room 2

High Level Dialogue on Special Theme of the second Session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly

Special Sessions

Special Sessions

Monday, 5 June 2023

Time: 13:30 - 14:30 EAT Venue: Conference Room 1

Concept Note Special Session on Climate Change and Migration Crises in Urban Areas

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Time: 13:30 - 14:30 EAT Venue: Conference Room 1

Concept Note Special Session on Universal Access to Adequate Housing

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Time: 13:30 - 14:30 EAT Venue: Conference Room 1

Special Session on SDG Localization and Finance



Statement by European Union

Statement by Asia -Pacific Group

Statement by the African group

Statement by League of Arab States

Statement by GRULAC

Statement by Cuba

Statement by Singapore

Statement by Romania

Statement by Czechia

Statement by Japan

Statement by Paraguay

Statement by Zambia

Statement by Yemen

Statement by Oman

Statement by Malaysia

Statement by the Democratic Republic of Congo

Statement by China

Statement by Turkiye

Statement by the Republic of the Philippines

Statement by Libya

Statement by Bahrain

Statement by Sri Lanka

Statement by State of Palestine

Statement by Egypt

Statement by Greece

Statement by Qatar

Statement by Kuwait

Statement by Kiribati

Statement by France

Statement by Saudi Arabia

Statement by Nicaragua

Statement by Barbados

Statement by Yemen

Statement by Argentina

Statement by Djibouti

Statement by Costa Rica

Statement by Dominican Republic

Statement by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Statement by Uganda

Statement by Cameroon

Statement by the Democratic Republic of Congo

Statement by Republic of Korea

Statement by Thailand

Statement by Estonia

Statement by Tanzania

Statement by Indonesia

Statement by Ecuador

Statement by Algeria

Statement by Finland

Statement by India

Statement by Switzerland

Statement by South Africa

Statement by Angola

Statement by Zimbabwe

Statement by the United States

Statement by Liberia

Statement by Rwanda

Statement by the State of Israel

Statement by Senegal

Statement by the Russian Federation

Statement by Sweden

Statement by Angola

Statement by Burkina Faso

Statement by Nigeria

Statement by Ukraine

Statement by Somalia

Statement by Uruguay

Statement by Togo

Statement by Tonga

Statement by Serbia

Statement by General Secretary Arab Towns Organisation (ATO)

Statement by UNSCEAR Secretariat

Statement by Polis Institute

Statement by Habitat for Humanity International

Statement by Geneva Cities Hub

Global Stakeholder Forum Declaration

Statement by Children and Youth

Statement by First Lady of Turkiye

Background Documents

Background Documents

Global Stakeholder Forum

Country Profile - Sub-Saharan Africa

Country Profile - Sub-Saharan Africa

UN-Habitat has been involved in implementing programmes and projects to varying degrees across several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lessons learnt from many years of interventions in the countries continue to contribute towards the implementation Regional Representation Strategy 2020-2025.